New | The Whiteboard

Our new whiteboard is a powerful tool that enables real-time collaboration. The following guide will help you make the best use of its features.

Functions for Moderators (top left bar):

  • The whiteboard is open to participants by default, allowing you to collaborate. You can lock the whiteboard for participants using the lock icon in the top left corner.
  • You can use sticky notes, smileys, and various drawing tools to visualize your ideas and points or work on something together.
  • With the eye icon “Everyone follows me,” you can focus everyone’s view on your view and thus direct attention.
  • With the trash can icon, you can clear the whiteboard and start fresh.
  • In the menu, you will find options to save your work; directly as an image file, or you can also save the project file and reload it later to continue working.

Functions for all users (bottom bar):

  • With the mouse pointer icon (enabled by default), you can select various elements to move, resize, edit, or delete them together (DEL key).
  • With the hand icon, you can move the viewing area. The whiteboard offers unlimited size for your creativity.
  • With the pen icon, you can draw “freehand.”
  • With the eraser icon, you can delete individual elements.
  • With the arrow icon, you can insert arrows to, e.g., represent relationships, dependencies, etc.
  • With the T symbol, you can write text on the whiteboard.
  • With the Post-It icon, you can place sticky notes on the whiteboard.
  • With the smiley icon, you can place smileys on the whiteboard. With the slider in the top right corner, you can then adjust the opacity, and with the transformation square around the smiley, you can infinitely adjust the size.
  • With the rectangle icon, you can place a frame on the whiteboard, e.g., to organize topic areas.
  • On the far right, you will find an up arrow, where more tools are listed. The icon next to it (default rectangle icon) is replaced by the last used tool.
  • First, various shapes are listed, which are functionally identical to the rectangle icon.
  • Line: You draw a straight line from A to B.
  • Marker: Like a highlighter that can mark areas without making them illegible.
  • Laser: While holding down the mouse, you draw a laser line to, e.g., point something out. Similar to a laser pointer.

The submenu (menu top right):

  • Here you can determine the color of your tool.
  • With the slider, you can adjust the opacity.
  • With the rectangle icon, you can determine fill options.
  • The circle icon allows you to represent lines as dashed.
  • With S/M/L/XL, you set the size of the tool.
  • For text, you can set the text alignment.
  • At the very bottom, you can customize the arrowhead and start point or choose other shapes, depending on the tool.

Last but not least: the zoom can be adjusted with the mouse wheel or the menu in the bottom left corner to see more of the whiteboard or to take a closer look at areas. By clicking on “>>”, an overview can be displayed.

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