
Webhooks are automatic notifications via HTTP that are triggered when an event occurs in an application. They enable immediate data transfer to other systems without the need for constant queries and are well suited for integrations and workflow automation.

As an administrator, go to the settings of your account. Under the menu item “Webhooks” you will find a list of existing webhooks and the option to add new ones.

Create new webhooks:

To create a new webhook, please click on the menu item “Create webhook”. You can then give the webhook a name of your choice. This is only for your orientation and has no further influence on the actual webhook.

Next, please specify the category for which you want to receive the corresponding events.


  • Single category: webinar.created → A webinar was created
  • Multiple categories: webinar.created, webinar.deleted → Webinar created & deleted
  • Wildcard categories: webinar.* → contains for example webinar.created, webinar.updated, webinar.deleted

In order for the webhook to be finally set up, you must add the address of the HTTP endpoint and save the settings.

Webhooks are sent JSON serialized. Further information on JavaScript Object Notation can be found here in the Wikipedia article.

In the webhook overview, you can see directly whether there have been errors in the delivery of individual webhooks.

  • Failed webhooks are retried for up to 24 hours. Redeliveries are delayed exponentially
    • First delivery: Immediately
    • Second: After two seconds
    • Third: After four seconds
    • Fourth: After eight seconds
    • Fifth: After 16 seconds
    • etc.
    • 17th delivery: After 24 hours

Further details on the failed deliveries can be found if you select the corresponding webhook. There you also have the option of retriggering the delivery manually.

Urgent security notice:

Webhooks can be sent by anyone.To ensure that edudip is the sender, the signature must be verified.We use HMAC to sign the data in the payloads.

  • Each webhook request contains the following relevant HTTP headers:
    • X-Edudip-Signature-Algorithm: The algorithm used for the signature (e.g. SHA256).
    • X-Edudip-Signature: The actual signature of the payload that is required for verification.
  • To verify the signature:
    • Load the public key that belongs to our private key. We provide this public key.
    • Hash the payload of the webhook with the algorithm from theX-Edudip-Signature-Algorithm header to obtain the payload hash.
    • Use the public key to compare the received signature (X-Edudip-Signature) with the hashed payload.
    • Click here to download the public key