
You are able to to record your webinars. If you click on “Recordings” in the dashboard, you will get an overview of all the recordings of your account, meaning your own and those of your team members. You should activate the recording function in advance during webinar creation if you want to record the webinar and make it available to your participants afterwards. If the webinar has already started, spontaneous activation of a recording is not possible (please contact our support if you want to record spontaneously).

In a meeting you can decide spontaneously whether you want to record the meeting or not. This feature is only available after contacting our support The recording takes place from the participant’s point of view. If the participant list is hidden and the chat is protected, neither the participant list nor the chat history can be seen in the recording. If you open the settings in your webinar room and check “Private participant list” and “Force private chat”, the participant list and chat are only visible to moderators during the webinar, but not to other participants.