Booking webinars as participant

To be able to book a webinar for free or for a fee, an account on our platforms is a mandatory requirement. In this regard, please use the “Register” button to create an account. After you have set up your account, you can book your desired webinar by accessing the landing page. Afterwards you are able to book aforementioned webinar via the button “Book a webinar”.

Please check our marketplace article to find a webinar that matches your interests.

In case of a fee-based reservation, you have the option of paying for the corresponding webinar using the following payment methods: electronic cash (ec), Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. Direct debit is only possible for bank accounts opened in Germany.

After registering for the webinar, you will receive a registration confirmation via e-mail, which explains the following steps. Via this email you are also able join to the webinar when it starts.

Please note that logging into your account to join the webinar is required for the purpose of identification.