Webinar preparation for participants

  • Technical requirements: Before attending a webinar, you should check your technical requirements. More details can be found under “technical requirements”.
  • Participation in webinars: You are able to follow webinars on your PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone. If the organiser has activated the telephone dial-in, you are also able to follow the webinar via telephone.
  • Registration for the webinar
    • Webinar invitation: You will be directed to the landing page (registration page) via the website of the organizer or you will receive a webinar invitation by email with a description of the webinar content, the date and time and a web link to the registration page for the online event.
    • Registration for the event: On the registration landing page of the webinar, register as a participant with your first name, surname, email address and, optionally, further information that the organizer can request individually. Enter your details in the registration form and select “Register now”. Registration is not possible if all available spots are already occupied or if the organizer has set a registration deadline before the webinar and the deadline has already expired.
    • Registration confirmation: After registering for the webinar, you will receive a registration confirmation by email. To enter the webinar, click on the “Enter webinar room” button or simply copy the link below the button and paste it into your browser. The link is only intended for you, so do not share the link with third parties.
    • The lobby “The webinar will start shortly”: After entering the webinar room, you will find yourself in the waiting area, also known as the lobby. Please wait there until the webinar starts.
    • Allow device access: If the moderator makes you a co-moderator or active participant, you will be asked whether you want to activate your devices, including camera and microphone. Select the boxes and click on “Activate devices”. The system check in the webinar room ensures that the camera and microphone are connected and recognized by the system. Note that web browsers often block websites from accessing the camera and microphone by default. A website can only access your camera or microphone if you have also granted access rights to the devices in the settings of your browser.
    • Telephone dial-in from the participant’s point of view: If the organizer has activated telephone dial-in, you can also follow the webinar via your telephone. Use the country-specific dial-in number and your individual PIN from the confirmation or reminder email of the webinar.
    • Webcast from the participant’s point of view: Webinars can also be followed as webcasts – without interactivity, but for all browsers and devices that cannot display the webinar room. The webinar will be broadcasted as a live stream. You will be automatically forwarded to the webcast of the webinar to then only have to start the stream manually using the play button on the video tile.